What We Do
Canvas has taken the difficulty and the unpredictability out of drywall finishing by putting a powerful new tool in the hands of skilled workers. For drywall contractors, the Canvas machine, now being deployed nationwide, is compressing schedules, reducing costs, and improving quality outcomes. For tapers, the Canvas system is radically improving their work environment--making it safer, easier on the body, and less stressful. By making the work better, drywall contractors can protect the health and safety of their current field employees and give them the opportunity to remain in the workforce longer. Better, less stressful work can also help attract new people to the drywall finishing trade, which for many years has suffered from a chronic attrition problem. 92% of drywall contractors report that they cannot find enough skilled labor. This is because people are leaving the trades much faster than they can be replaced. The Canvas robot is worker-operated.
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1960 Folsom St
San Francisco, CA 94103
United States

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